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A students grade in band is based on: 

- Classroom practices, procedures and routines (CP2Rs)

- Proficiency of playing skills

- Attendance at sectional lessons.


Grading category descriptions:


CP2Rs grades are daily grades received in three areas, during the period band classes:

1. Attendance (Ready)

2. Conduct (Respectful)

3. Participation (Responsible)

* When a grade is less than a 96, there will often be a comment provided as to why the grade is lower.

* Click here for CP2Rs grading breakdown.


Playing proficiency is based on a bi-weekly scale quiz done during sectional lesson time. Students play major scales up to 3 sharps and 3 flats and a 1 octave chromatic scale on their instrument to be graded on a performance rubric which immediately given to students.

* After practicing, students may retake a scale quiz as many times as they wish during the quarter.  


Students receive a grade for attendance at sectional lessons. It is counted as extra credit grade and does not negatively affect a students grade if they can't attend.





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